Annual membership begins at the start of the EA river season on June 16th and runs for 12 months. SAC does not provide access to any of its fisheries by day ticket. Membership of SAC is limited. At the 2024 AGM it was decided to increaset he cost of membership is £40 per year for both new and existing members. The annual membership process works as follows:
- Throughout the year anyone wishing to be added to the waiting list can email with the following details:
- Full name
- Address
- Postcode
- Mobile phone number
- Existing members are invited to renew on January 1st and have until March 15th to pay for next season’s membership.
- After March 15th, we count the number of renewals and then invite those from the waiting list, up to the 275 member limit, to pay by April 15th. Anyone not invited will be added to the top of the list for the subsequent year.
- After April 15th we print and mail all permits to all members. Permits are valid from June 16th
Anglers who are not existing members who wish to join the club may join the waiting list by emailing full name, address, post code and phone number to If places are availble when you email, you will be invited to join the club immediately.