2022 AGM

The Shrewsbury Anglers Club 2022 AGM will be held at the Coracle Inn, Sundorne Road, on Friday November 25th at 7pm. Free food of curry and chips will be provided.

Anyone wishing to stand for election for any of the roles below or raise questions for descussion and voting should email info@shrewsburyanglersclub.co.uk. 

The Agenda:

  1. Welcome from Secretary
  2. Re-election of Officers
    1. Secretary – Dave Thorpe (Incumbent)
    2. Chairman – Lee McGowen (Incumbent)
    3. Treasurer – Vacant
    4. Membership Manager – John Hunsley (Incumbent for new role)
    5. Workparties – Dale Dulson (Incumbent)
    6. Assistant – Evan Meardon
    7. Assistant – Chris Manns
    8. Workparties (Pool) – Matt Bradley
  3.  Chariman’s Address
  4. Treasurers Report
  5. Membership Managment for 2023
  6. Workparties 2023
  7. Requirement for new Bailiffs
  8. AOB


2023 Membership

Following the death of our secretary Chris Wood earlier this month we have decided to change the membership process. This will be outlined at the 2022 AGM in November. A date and location for which will be arranged soon.

Existing members will be contacted in early 2023 and given the opportunity to renew their membership for 2023. We wont be accepting cash or cheques in 2023 and only bank transfer will apply. Further details about payment will be provided and discussed at the 2022 AGM.

The waiting list for new 2023 members is now open and anyone wishing to join the club in 2023 can email their full name, address, postcode and phone number to info@shrewsburyanglersclub.co.uk. After recieving your details we will contact you in March 2023 and invite you to pay. We will provide payment details at that time.

Peterborough & District Share Scheme

One of the benefits of being a member of SAC is the share scheme we have with Peterborough & District Angling Association, one of the oldest and most respected clubs in the country.

P&DAA’s new website has just gone live, which gives details of the waters which you as an SAC member can fish at no extra cost.  In exchange, P&DAA members also have access to SAC fisheries.

2020 AGM

Due to the complications of Coronavirus, the 2020 AGM has been cancelled. As mentioned on the Facebook page, discusions on pertinent matters have taken place within that group. Whilst we appreciate everyone in the club is not on Facebook or in that group we have used it as a medium to ask those who can to vote on issues which need to be resolved prior to 2021.

Most importantly were the questions about the size of the club and the fees for 2021. Currently the club has 250 members. Last year the club chose to limit the membership to that number and once again the question of raising that limit was put to the club.  The commitee came up with various options, which included keeping the limit as it is, raising it, lifting it altogether along with possible changes to fees. After 2 rounds of voting to find the two most popular choices, it was decided by 74 votes to 16 to keep it set at 250, raise the 2021 fee by £5 to £35.

As many anglers are aware, we have a waiting list for membership. It was also decided by vote that all new members, regardless of where they live or how long they’ve been on the waiting list must be proposed by an existing member.

Membership renewal will open on the 1st of December 2020 and the club will take renewals from existing members until 1st February 2021. After that date any outstanding places will be allocated to new members on the waiting list and they will be asked to provide a proposer at that time.

Once again we are sorry that it has been difficult to discuss all these options with all members at a face to face AGM. The impact of Coronavirus has touched many aspects of life but we are very pleased that, during the current situation, fishing is still allowed and we can continue almost as normal on the banks.

Many thanks.

SAC Committee

2020 Membership is Now Closed

Following huge numbers of enquiries about joining the club SAC has stopped taking on new members as the limit, which was agreed at the 2019 AGM of 220, has been reached. The popularity of SAC is phenomenal. The club has grown to become the largest Shrewsbury based angling club within 4 years.

This year SAC has taken on more sections of the River Severn, as well as a pool, and we will review the membership numbers again at the 2020 AGM, it will likely increase. If you would like to join the waiting list for 2021 then please contact the club using one of the methods listed on the Contact Page

Priority for 2021 membership will always be given to existing members, who need to complete their renewal no later than January 31st 2021. After that date, we will take on new members until the limit is reached.

COVID19 **** UPDATE ****

As of 13th May all Shrewsbury Anglers Club fisheries are open as usual. Please remember that the coarse river season does not start until June 16th and coarse fishing, with the exception of Eel fishing, is prohibited until the start of the coarse season. Any angler wishing to fish the river for Eels must ensure they are doing so within the EA regulations and contact the club secretary prior to fishing. Fly fishing for Salmon is currently allowed on the Severn. Salmon anglers must be in possession of an EA Salmon & Migratory Trout Rod License.

Coarse fishing is available to members now on the Lords Pool. A Limit of 10 anglers at a time is in place on the pool. Members wishing to fish Lords Pool must book on prior to fishing. Please contact the secretary directly or as a message on Facebook if you wish to fish the pool. – https://www.facebook.com/shrewsburyanglersclub/

COVID19 – All Fisheries Closed

Due to the current COVID19 crisis, all SAC club fisheries are closed until further notice. All work parties and social engagements are canceled.

As soon as restrictions are lifted our fisheries will reopen. We will notify our members both here and on Facebook when we have further information.


Chub Record

A fantastic 7lb 1oz Chub for member Ian Gregory has broken the official club record earlier this year. A 7lb Chub is a very special fish. We’ve known of a few from the river in recent years but this is the official club Chub record. Well done Ian.